Tom Minor - 'It's The Wind, Stupid!'
Following on from a string of impactful offerings this past year, London-based artist Tom Minor is back to his best once again to deliver...
Tom Minor - 'It's The Wind, Stupid!'
John Cathal O'Brien - 'Turned To Cloud (All Around)'
Ryland Moranz - 'When I'm Gone'
Eimear - 'A Little More Time'
Kent Dustin - 'Impress You'
Áine Duffy - 'Move Along'
UNO MAS - 'Snake Eyes'
The Trusted - 'Miracle Face'
Chandra - 'Lifted'
Diana Omar - 'matching your energy'
Saint Social - 'Holiday Forever'
Emma Forgette - 'It's A Good Day'
Maddox Jones - 'England Together'
Powers Of The Monk - 'It's Your Voodoo Again'
Janet Devlin - 'Country Singer'
The Winter Sounds - 'Big Dreams'
Ubiquity Machine - 'Betty And Steve'
Eddy Mann - 'The Humble Cottage By The Sea'
Eddie Cohn - 'Wave Goodbye - Downtown Session'
Andy Smythe - 'Love Ain't Free'