Following the rousing response to his much-loved comeback singles 'The Party's Over' and 'I'm In The Moon' in recent months, LA-based artist Ethan Gold continues his upward ascent with the captivating new offering 'Mirror Don't Have Any Feelings'.
Capturing more of that warm and heartfelt indie-rock energy he is known for, 'Mirror Don't Have Any Feelings' makes for an incredibly rich and riveting listen throughout. With its bold and immersive textures, soaring atmosphere, and his own compelling vocals at the helm, he is certainly looking to turn plenty of heads with this one.
While his tenure to date has been a wildly immersive time, 'Mirror Don't Have Any Feelings' shows he is still very much on top of his creative game right now. With such a firm and focused approach to his sound throughout, we can't wait to hear what he comes back with next.