Having already made a lasting impact thanks to a wave of shimmering delights these last few years, Brooklyn-based artist Kristen Merritt is continuing her vibrant ascent with her dreamy new single 'ISFTBS'.
Channelling more of that warm and effervescent R&B-pop aesthetic she has earned a reputation for, 'ISFTBS' sees her return to the fold with one of her most immersive efforts to date. With its warm and uplifting atmosphere perfectly elevating her dynamic vocals throughout, she continues to shine as one of the more exciting names on the rise right now.
While these last few years have certainly been a busy and prolific time for her, 'ISFTBS' still manages to stand out within her ever-evolving repertoire of late. With such a warm and welcoming approach to her direction here, we can't wait to hear what she comes back with next.