Having already followed up his incredibly well-received 2023 debut album 'Patternicity' with a breadth of dazzling efforts these last few months, Atlanta's MatAre returns to the fold once again to unveil his uplifting new single 'Perfect Constant'.
Honing more of that warm and riveting pop-rock aesthetic he has been building for himself over the years, 'Perfect Constant' makes for an incredibly rich and inviting return to form. With its bright and euphoric textures effortlessly set to his vibrant vocals throughout, he returns to the scene with one of his most captivating releases yet.
While these last few months have certainly been a busy and prolific time for him, 'Perfect Constant' still manages to make a lasting impression on his ever-grwoing catalogue right now. With such a progressive approach to his songwriting and production throughout, we can't wait to hear what he comes back with next.