Having already made a significant mark on the scene these last few years, San Francisco-based artist Tess Posner is bringing back more of that insatiable energy on her latest gem 'Can You Hear Me Now'.
Channelling a wonderfully rich and explorative aesthetic for her latest release, 'Can You Hear Me Now' sees her returning to us with one of her more impactful efforts to date. With its breezy textures, soaring atmosphere, and her own spellbinding vocals layered throughout, she is certainly looking to turn plenty of heads with this one.
While her recent releases have been a great opportunity for innovation and self-discovery, 'Can You Hear Me Now' shows there are still plenty of fresh and exciting ideas coursing through her right now. With such a firm and focused grasp over her direction at every turn, we can't wait to hear where this journey will take her next.